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Juhi Adhikari


Is this my body? I ask silently

I'm not always the owner of your heartbeat

They touch it, smile, get excited and leave me

Alone on an island of numb fear

Ideas that arise, feelings that crowd…

Is this my body?

From his flesh I hide in silence

In the confusion I hide the rage

In the mist I hide my desires

Are these my desires?

-Girl- another girl tells me

-I sang cheerful by the river and I was happy

Singing by the river makes me happy too

I look at her and she looks at me, eyes of happy girls

We played together to sing by the river

-Girl- another girl tells me

-I was so lonely, my father didn't see it, it's sad

Alone, invisible, sad... Sad me too

I look at her and she looks at me, eyes of sad girls

We play together to look at each other and be visible

-Girl- a third girl tells me

- Is this my body? In the confusion I hide my rage

Confused girls with hidden rage

I look at her and she looks at me, her eyes are my eyes

We play together to be sisters

-Girl- I tell another girl a secret

My body… they touch it with a smile, they get excited and leave me

A tear runs down her face, too...

The five of us play together, we dance, we look at each other

And playing and dancing, this body is very mine.


CONTEXT: From July 24 to 31, 2022, around 50 people from 15 countries participated in an intensive peace education experience IIPE Mexico 2022 (International Institute for Peace Education) and during that week we participated in presentations, reflection groups, work groups, ceremonies, and workshops. One of the workshops I took was called “The Arts and Dialogue: Girls Sharing Their Issues”, a workshop that was facilitated by Juhi Adhikari, a young educator and activist for the dignity of girls in Nepal. She and the people she works with bring games and art to schools that allow girls to express what they cannot tell anyone in an environment of much control and oppression for girls. Adhikari invited us to imagine that we are girls, that we have been harassed and that no adult is available to listen to us... Then she invited us to play and share our joys, our preferences, our traumas, and our secrets.

With gratitude to my friend and teacher Juhi


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